Konkursu organizē Latvijas Radio 6 – LU Radio NABA sadarbībā ar Latvijas Universitātes Studentu padomi. Konkursa norisi atbalsta skaņu ierakstu studija "SKAN". Jautājumi un atbildes – naba@radionaba.lv.
Papildu informācija: hadrons.lv un https://www.facebook.com/events/453026871762285/www.facebook.com/events/453026871762285/
Radio NABA in collaboration with the Students’ Council of the University of Latvia has been challenging young students for 13 years to demonstrate and show their creative, musical skills and it invites students to join the new „Hadron '18” contest for young musicians and performers!
This year, the winners of the "Hadron ‘18" will be awarded a unique prize - a trip to Azerbaijan to represent Latvia at the international competition "YOUTHVISION". "YOUTHVISION" is an international song contest among young people whose goal is to discover new talented students in order to further develop their skills and provide a platform for establishing international contacts. This is a great opportunity for young people from Latvia to expand their horizons and gain a lot of new supporters from other countries of the world.
During the competition "Hadron", new groups, performers and musical projects will be judged by professionals of the music industry from Latvia and abroad, radio NABA and students' representatives. To apply for the competition, the new groups must complete the application form by February 20th. Additional information, the application form and the competition rules can be found on the website www.hadrons.lv. The competition is organized by the Latvian Radio 6 – The University of Latvia’s Radio NABA in cooperation with the Students’ Council of the University of Latvia. The contest is supported by the sound recording studio "SKAN". Questions and answers - naba@radionaba.lv.
Šogad "Hadrons" uzvarētājiem sagatavota vienreizēja balva - došanās ceļojumā uz Azerbaidžānu, lai pārstāvētu Latviju starptautiskajā konkursā "YOUTHVISION". "YOUTHVISION" ir internacionāls dziesmu konkurss starp jauniešiem, kura mērķis ir atklāt jaunus, talantīgus studentus, lai vēlāk pilnveidotu viņu prasmes, un sniegtu platformu uz kuras nodibināt starptautiskus kontaktus. Tā ir lieliska iespēja jauniešiem no Latvijas paplašināt savu redzesloku un iegūt daudz jaunu atbalstītāju arī no citām pasaules valstīm.
Konkursa "Hadrons" laikā jaunās grupas, izpildītājus un muzikālos projektus vērtēs mūzikas nozares profesionāļi no Latvijas un ārvalstīm, radio NABA un studentu pārstāvji. Lai pieteiktos konkursam, jaunajām grupām līdz 20. februārim jāaizpilda pieteikšanās anketa. Papildu informāciju, pieteikšanās anketu un konkursa nolikumu var atrast mājas lapā